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July 31, 2016
The Herederos had a ride scheduled for this morning, meeting at 8am, to go to the waterfalls (chorros) of Giron. My mind was saying "it looks like rain", my body was saying "stay in bed, stupid", but Toxic was all revved up to go so I couldn't let him go on his own.
Like last week, I arrived by 8am and I am the only person there... Oh boy, not again... Finally at 8:10 Pierino joined me and by 8:40 we had 13 bikes leaving. Before Portete we stopped at a gas station and everybody put on rain gear because we could see the band of rain between us and a patch of blue sky, hopefully above our destination.
We didn't really get very wet, and we got to see the chorros amidst the cloud and the wind and the sprinkles. Some of the braver ones of our group went under the falls and looked like drowned rats when the emerged, even in their rain gear.
We had lunch there and then we actually delayed our departure because a little squall went by at that moment.
Climbing back out of that large valley is a strain on a little 150cc motor and it was the two oldest and heaviest of the group who ended up dragging up the rear. No snide coments please.
I have enhanced all the photos of course and made two panoramas by stitching 3 photos together with that new Image Composite Editor program that is a free download from Microsoft. It really does a commendable job and it even did one vertically automatically.
I also did a short video of the falls:
Don't break your neck looking at it sideways but I can't seem to find out how to change it to vertical. Once upon a time I could, but the option seems to have disappeared from YouTube.
Oh, is anyone getting the Subscription via their email???
Please let me know if you enjoy the photos. That was the day's
excitement, Cheers,
© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may not be used in any way without
purchase, or without my permission.
NOTE that
you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.
The last bunch are arriving... |
Grabbing some supplies for the road |
Toxic is happy we are riding today |
Mounting up to go |
Stopping and getting into rain gear |
Another quick stop to wait for stragglers |
A view of the 3 levels of these falls |
A longer distance view |
These are the lower falls, as seen from the parking lot |
Nobody is in any hurry |
13 bikes, 1 car, 16 people |
Eventually we will go |
We can see 2 of the 3 levels of the falls from here |
Can you see the horse and rider in the trees?? |
What a gorgeous horse! |
Bringing a car along has some definite benefits |
It is not all guys on this trip |
Lovely riding companions |
Finally walking up to the falls |
Diffrerent angle and framing |
The falls are definitely impressive |
The lower cascades are pretty too |
The wide angle can only grab so much... |
This is 3 photos stitched together of a side angle |
The wind blows the spray heavily onto the bridge |
Getting wet on the bridge |
A family shot with the twins |
The brave ones start to go behind the falls |
The lower cascades again |
A shot through the trees |
Most of the gang at the new entrance sign |
Dr Juan and his newly repaied Vespa |
Dr Juan's son joined us today |
Good spot for the pics |