Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wednesday January 15, 2014 Deer

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Wednesday January 15, 2014
First of all, THANK YOU to all you folks who have hung in there and faithfully read my Blog, for what it's worth.
I was up early and stayed in the house, slowly tackling the task of getting rid of years of collecting etc.  It is truly amazing the amount of resources I had saved over the years, with records going back even to my teens...  
Trying to decide what is worth taking to Ecuador, or to store somewhere in Canada, is always a challenge, since most of the objects only carry memories that would be important to me.  Space and weight limitations for travel means that most of my treasures will be stored in some tubs in someone's basement, possibly for inclusion in a later trip.  So many tears well up as we handle items that carry special significance for loved ones that have passed on.   Life moves on, but the memories never go away.
The deer continue to entertain me at dusk just prior to a pretty Rockies sunset.

Hope you enjoy the photos.  That was the day's excitement,   Cheers, Al  

Shot from my dining room window

They commonly appear around dusk

Usually they will later cross the road, but return at dawn

A pretty sunset over Okotoks