Thursday, March 27, 2025

Thursday March 27, 2025 Muttart

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Please see my best artworks for sale at my websites:



Thursday March 27, 2025

In around 1965, our parents ordered a pre-built Muttart home which was transported to our new lot behind the Kimball Funeral Home in Radville, Saskatchewan.  It was a lovely 3-bedroom home which Mom had them swap front to back so she could watch the street from the kitchen.... small town stuff...

The owners of Muttart Lumber started a foundation in Edmonton and the four pyramids of the Muttart Conservatory were soon an integral part of Edmonton's river valley landscape.

Info here:

Our social club at the Manoir provided a day trip, costing us $5 each, which included a huge coffee and scone snack.  Entrance was free if we had the Leisure pass, which we did.  We were there almost 3 hours, pretty much double the time we really needed.  

The 4 pyramids had plants from arid, temperate and tropical zones, with the fourth hosting a display on the Planet Mars, very moon-like, but reddish.

I recognized most of the plants from the tropical zone from my time in Ecuador and Colombia.  The day was overcast with snow and the whole place, including the plants, looked a bit dingy and tired, needing a good hose down with water.  We were soon pretty bored.

Our bus drivers from the City's ETS Charter were most uncooperative in parking to let us off and on away from the accumulated snow, staying on the street side and making seniors, 2 with wheelchairs, plow through the snow...  I was not happy with this display of complete ignorance and I let them know!

I had been called by Don that he was making supper for the 2 of us so he arrived with a packaged chicken lasagna and a packaged salad, which surprised me greatly because he takes enormous pride in his cooking abilities.  I liked it, and he didn't...

I just checked my bank account and it appears that part of my CPP/OAS/GIS has not made it to my new account yet....  Sheesh....  If it isn't there by morning I will probably have to run to Canada Place again....

I hope you enjoy the pictures (no captions needed).  Blogger was not wanting to upload any photos this evening, it took 13 tries......

That was the day’s excitement.



© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may not be used in any way without purchase, or without my permission.  

If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.

NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.

Wednesday March 26, 2025 Weather


PLEASE bookmark this page and check daily.

Older Blog: 

Please see my best artworks for sale at my websites:



Wednesday March 26, 2025

Sunday morning, 1am, I was sure to be up to watch my Team Homan from Canada stealing 4 points from the Tirizoni Swiss Team to win the World Curling Championship for the second year in a row, 7-4.  Way to go Team!!

I am still having several problems with the Telus Internet signal which is awfully inconsistent...  But now I have a number that I can call direct and within 10 minutes they always reset the router outside my door to restore better speeds.  It is such a pain to have to do it so often, but they promise to send a crew to check the router itself again.

I am still boiling water every couple of hours to add humidity in here.  When I forget to set my Alexa alarm, and get into reading my book, I have burnt the pot dry 3 times so far..  

Monday, I spotted an oddity in the bathroom mirror.  It is odd, because we obviously look in the mirror several times a day...  So how do we miss a long hair growing out of the top of the ear when we know that is one of the usual surprise locations??  

Tuesday, I got down to doing my laundry, including the bedding.  There are several machines in laundry room a floor below, but the commercial Maytags are everyone's favourites because they are exceedingly simple, effective, and fast.  Because they serve the whole building, it is hard to find a quiet time where you have the pick of those machines.  And The Maytag dryers are the most popular as well.  I wear my back brace to do this because of the weight of the laundry and all the bending involved.

Today, I had 3 more scammer phone calls, plus a call from the CIBC fraud department.  They had restricted my USD accountfrom my view so I made a very angry phone call back to them.  I am awaiting a refund from a failed delivery so I need to be able to see when it arrives.  Then, and only then, will I close that account and set up another new one.  Hopefully that will be the end of my banking woes.  

I got a response from RedBubble that they were reinstating my artwork of Cuenca Kids 501, but minus the 501, based on a request from Levi Strauss Co..........  How they can copyright a number and apply that to absolutely anything boggles the mind, and the idiots at RB just go along.  I visit RB every day because I still make sales there but I have not uploaded any new artworks there in over a year.  Their site is run by spineless idiots and I refuse to jump through their hoops.   Maybe I will copyright every word in the dictionary....

Spring in Canada is almost non-existent because it is just a milder extension of winter.  And I swear that the seasons have moved to a month later over the years.  We get a few nice days just above 0C and winter throws more rain, sleet and snow at us....  But, we know that is what happens and we are hardy Canadians who love the seasons, so it will pass like usual.  During my lifetime, I have definitely seen a snowy day every month of the year.  No big deal... 

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may not be used in any way without purchase, or without my permission.  

If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.

NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.


Mmmmm, pork tenderloin medallions..

Canada's journey to victory

Strange visitor at midnight

Another bout of rain, sleet and snow..