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It is very peaceful to be with good family, supportive yet unjudging. I can't thank Lou and Yvette enough for this refuge.
Sunday, niece Debbie kindly came for a visit and we all played Euchre, which I will need to know a little if I am to accompany Yvette and Lou to the Euchre night they host Tuesday night at the clubhouse in their complex. I managed to hold my own.....
It has begun to snow a little and it is windy, so the cool temperatures multiply and a person (me) does not care much for going outside.
Luckily we have much to do, with my normal chores, we play a lot of cards and work on a difficult jigsaw puzzle to keep occupied.
Yesterday morning, the scammers called again, promising to fix the previous problems and I went along with it, even though the alarm bells were ringing everywhere in my logic. So, I got scammed again,... to my extreme embarrassment.
CIBC called me before I was about to get scammed a third time, breaking off my call with the scammer. The result is that I now have a special pass phrase when dealing with CIBC, my account is basically empty and on fraud alert, my debit and credit cards are cancelled, and I have to conserve what cash I have until I get home so I can visit the bank to have enough to buy some groceries after being away for 3.5 months.... They say I should have new cards within 10 days. I just want to crawl in a hole and wish this mess to go away.
So, I fly out tomorrow evening, and the word is that there is much sickness in Southern Alberta so I should not linger... So, I will likely pick up my car Thursday morning, have a couple of quick family visits and just get back to my apartment..........
I hope you enjoy the pictures. That was the day’s excitement.
© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may not be used in any way without purchase, or without my permission.
If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.
NOTE that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.
Love this cool lamp It is multi-coloured at night Cold, snow and wind Welcome back to Canada