Saturday, July 20, 2024

Saturday July 20, 2024 Transportation


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Saturday July 20, 2024

Thursday, I went for a few groceries in the early morning to beat the heat.  And it is not forecast to get much better for another week. 

The heat is oppressive and Friday the smoke from forest fires rolled in again...  So my strategy of opening the windows with fans once the temperatures equalize around midnight is negated.  I assume it is better to be warm than choking on smoke......  

The 2002 Pontiac GTP that I was eyeing online got sold and I kept looking and enquiring about a few vehicles.

And I have been out of the car business for about 32 years and needed to find something, regardless of age, that was trustworthy, but cheap.  Most makes of cars have expensive parts and they are to be avoided.

Word of mouth is a great thing and someone told me that one of the residents here, a sweet old lady named Verna, wanted to maybe sell her car....  I see the car every time I look out my front window.

It is a 2000 Buick Regal LS, loaded, and surprisingly has my favourite motor, the 3.8L V6 that I had in my two Park Avenues,.. peppy and great on gas.... Together, we took it for a short test drive.  The motor sounds great and the steering is true.  Since this is a Sports model, the suspension is likely a sports suspension which is a little stiffer, but there was definitely no bounce driving over the manhole covers and potholes.  I only found 2 minor concerns, the AC is weak as is the fan blower.  And the odometer does not light up, but apparently that may be only a bulb or fuse...  It sits in the sun all day so the hood has bad paint, .. and there are a few minor rust spots, but it still looks good enough and it truly runs perfectly!!  Verna had bought it cheap, 12 years ago, from another senior, and has maintained the car well.

I made her a bit of a low-ball offer last night and today she accepted it, so we shook on it and she took the car for one last shopping trip.  I walked 2 blocks away to the OK Tire Shop that I trust and made sure that I can bring the car for an insurance inspection on Monday.  Hopefully there are no major problems like gasket failures and I will be a car owner once again...  








I probably will not use it much in the city, mainly because of parking issues, but look forward to be able to get on the highway and visit friends and family again.

I sure hope that everything goes smoothly.   We hope to get it insured and registered Wednesday, or earlier.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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