Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunday June 23, 2024 Pets


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Sunday June 23, 2024

I went for an evening walk last night since we had a nice, Alberta blue sky day, again to Ezio Faraone Park on the riverbank.

I re-ordered some more t-shirts for Ken on my floor, this time in a smaller size, because I had to buy back the last 6 he ordered...  This time, no refunds is the rule...

I was getting ready for bed around 12:45am this morning when the fire alarm started sounding...  The stink in our hallway added to the urgency of our exit.  Somebody had set fire to our recycle bin below, and the burning plastic covers of the bin gave off a very acrid smell.  I shut the window for our floor above the fire.   And 5 firetrucks responded but only one hose was used to finally douse the flames!  The act of arson should have been caught on at least one of the seven security cameras covering the area....

Today, I got up early to get chores done so I could head over the river to the west for a "Pets In The Park" celebration by the Edmonton Humane Society in the Buena Vista Off-leash Dog Park.  On the way, I picked up a bag of dog food to donate and then made a large cash donation as well when I arrived.

My Gio got so many compliments and I got to pet lots of dogs to get my doggy fix.  I complimented the organizer named Sandra for putting on such a magnificent event.

There were many sales booths and I bought a handmade UGG Elevator birdfeeder.  They gave me a suet bell of seed as well.  When I got home I installed the new feeder on my outside window sill and the 3 feeders there hopefully will help out a few birds, besides the ones I feed out front.  I will put suet bell on one of the trees in front tomorrow.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.


Alberta blue sky over the Legislature

Ninth Street bridges

Oiler humour

Stinky fire in our recycle bin

Five firetrucks responded

Edmonton hosers

The plastic covers burned right off

Gorgeous cat

Agility centre

Nice products

Lots of booths well spread out

Gorgeous dog

I was about 61 blocks from home

Our lovely city

Beautiful flower

My feeders