Friday, June 14, 2024

Friday June 14, 2024 Outside


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Friday June 14, 2024

Wednesday, I had a real go around with Telus over the Internet speeds they provide which were so inconsistent again.  I sent them many of the Speedtest results to prove my point...  I must admit that I was in a bit of shock when they were able to see my PC and peripherals from Quebec!  They determined that my WiFi adapter was poor, so I used Amazon while my Prime membership was still working for 3 more days and I ordered a TP-Link 3.0 Wifi6 adapter that looked powerful for the price.

Thursday, I waited all day after getting a message at 9:42am that my package would be delivered by some contractor within 3 hours....  It showed up at 5:19pm and I was not a happy camper!  But I installed the new WiFi adapter and the difference was immediately apparent,... much better,.... but still not consistently strong overall.  At this moment, I just checked, and the speeds are great.

I had bought a bag of peanuts and am now in the habit of going below the huge evergreen in the front to spread some around for the squirrels, rabbits, and also some seed for the birds.

This morning, I had leftover popcorn from Don's visit last night to watch the hockey game to add to the feeding zone for the birds and animals.

I made another trip to Save-On for needed supplies, especially cabbage for a round of salads.

Happiness abounds as I manage to lose weight bit by bit, healthily, using Don's smart advice to vary my food intake so the body does not store calories to account for missing components, like proteins.... 

We won't talk about how our supposed professional Oiler hockey players are blowing the Playoffs by continually handing turnovers to the hungry Panthers and allowing them to control the game....  Nope, not saying a word......

I was planning to go see Leo play on the Patio at the Commercial Hotel this evening, but thundershowers are forecast to start around 5pm.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.

NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.


Everybody loves pussywillows

View out front through a window

My view out back through a window



On the street is dangerous.

Daytime half-moon

He smells peanuts...

Found them...

Happily munching...