Saturday, June 15, 2024

Saturday June 15, 2024 Outings!


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Saturday June 15, 2024

It was so nice last night that I called Bob to go riding around 7:30pm because Leo was playing on the Patio at the Commercial and we hadn't been there in a while.  He was all gung-ho about it as well and we enjoyed a pleasant evening with a couple of drinks.  The plan is to return Sunday late afternoon too.  Bob is being treated that day by his 2 sons for Father's Day.

Today, I went out and spread more goodies on the front lawn under the trees for the birds, squirrels and rabbits.  Then I continued walking down to Ezio Faraone Park overlooking the North Saskatchewan River and the bridges.  Seeing all the people with dogs made me very emotional and I was glad that I was wearing sunglasses.

It took some patience to wait for a glimpse of the 2 Trolleys that were running today above the Ninth Street Bridge, ..... and hoping to catch an "old and new" shot with the LRT running at the same time on its own bridge below.  I was pleased to catch such shots today.

When I came home I had a pleasant surprise.  The neighbor below me, Rick, had left my second bird feeder at my door.  The wind had blown it off my ledge about 3 weeks.  I was so pleased that I brought him some cookies and thanked him in person.

So, I have now brought in the second feeder which I am cleaning as well and hopefully will re-install them soon on my outside window ledge, properly weighted down so the wind and cold (later) won't be factors.

Lots of apprehension in the air for tonight's Oiler-Predator game.  And our cousin, Shania Twain, will be performing for the outside crowd.  I am so tempted to go see her but expect that the crowd will be overflowing..

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.

NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.


Pedal Power again on Whyte Avenue

Leo was performing alone

A couple of brews for me and Bob

Leo cleaned his guitar...

One Trolley

Alberta Legislature


Second Trolley

Boat on the river

Old and new 1

Old and new 2

Old and new 3

Old and new 4

Cleaning one bird feeder

Internet wifi speeds are good