Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sunday June 16, 2024 Fathers


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Sunday June 16, 2024

I got to bed late last night after a thrilling hockey game to keep our Oiler hopes alive, and cooling down by reading my new book.  So I really had to coax myself up this morning.  

Hard to believe that my dear Dad has really been gone a whole 40 years already and I still think of him every single day.  Happy Father's Day Dad. 

Dad, I believe this was 1924....

And Thank You to my Son for acknowledging me today.

I grabbed more birdseed, etc and spread it out again under the big evergreen, and waited.  It didn't take long for a sharp-eyed crow to come along and grab a peanut and leave, only to return for more...  This character was greedy, managing to hold two peanuts in his beak and to hide them in the grass about 5 feet further away!

Then, the Manoir was having our Father's Day BBQ at 4pm and I had paid to participate.  Albert was cooking outside but we were eating inside because of the wind today.  

Within 15 minutes I was off on the Gio to join Bob and his 2 sons who were enjoying Leo's music at the Commercial, (also inside because of the darn wind).  Then they went off for a meal on the corner, so I left when Leo's set was over.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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The wise crow

Too smart for me!

Albert at the BBQ

Leo under awful lighting...

Our fine city today.