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Monday March 31, 2014
Today, almost 6 weeks after my cataract surgery, I had an appointment with a local English-speaking optometrist to make sure everything is all right. He did almost the exact same things as my Okotoks optometrist with almost the exact same equipment. The good news is that my eyes are awesome, the surgeries were perfect, and I basically only need reading glasses for the first 18" of sight.
I had him check to see if he could remove a constant irritation in the left corner of my left eye but I already knew the answer(s). It is dry here so using eye drops twice a day will improve the situation. Also ambient light, from the left side especially, is very annoying, so I know I need to wear wrap-around sunglasses and glasses with large temples. I should just get some blinders like they put on horses.
Anyway, $30 for the visit, $8 for eye drops, and $200 for 3 pairs of bi-focals where I supplied 2 of the frames. I can pick them up Wednesday evening.
I am meeting my buddy Oswaldo later today as he wants to take me out to his place in Challuabamba and drink a few pops. More on that later, maybe...
In the meantime, here are a few more Pase Del Nino photgraphs for you. Melt your heart with the children of Ecuador.
Hope you enjoy the photos. That was the day's excitement, Cheers, Al
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